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.gitignore 4.3 KiB

3 anos atrás
3 anos atrás
  1. .vscode/
  2. # Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/django
  3. # Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=django
  4. ### Django ###
  5. *.log
  6. *.pot
  7. *.pyc
  8. __pycache__/
  9. local_settings.py
  10. db.sqlite3
  11. db.sqlite3-journal
  12. media
  13. # If your build process includes running collectstatic, then you probably don't need or want to include staticfiles/
  14. # in your Git repository. Update and uncomment the following line accordingly.
  15. # <django-project-name>/staticfiles/
  16. ### Django.Python Stack ###
  17. # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
  18. *.py[cod]
  19. *$py.class
  20. # C extensions
  21. *.so
  22. # Distribution / packaging
  23. .Python
  24. build/
  25. develop-eggs/
  26. dist/
  28. eggs/
  29. .eggs/
  30. parts/
  31. sdist/
  32. var/
  33. wheels/
  34. pip-wheel-metadata/
  35. share/python-wheels/
  36. *.egg-info/
  37. .installed.cfg
  38. *.egg
  40. # PyInstaller
  41. # Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
  42. # before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
  43. *.manifest
  44. *.spec
  45. # Installer logs
  46. pip-log.txt
  47. pip-delete-this-directory.txt
  48. # Unit test / coverage reports
  49. htmlcov/
  50. .tox/
  51. .nox/
  52. .coverage
  53. .coverage.*
  54. .cache
  55. nosetests.xml
  56. coverage.xml
  57. *.cover
  58. *.py,cover
  59. .hypothesis/
  60. .pytest_cache/
  61. pytestdebug.log
  62. # Translations
  63. *.mo
  64. # Django stuff:
  65. # Flask stuff:
  66. instance/
  67. .webassets-cache
  68. # Scrapy stuff:
  69. .scrapy
  70. # Sphinx documentation
  71. docs/_build/
  72. doc/_build/
  73. # PyBuilder
  74. target/
  75. # Jupyter Notebook
  76. .ipynb_checkpoints
  77. # IPython
  78. profile_default/
  79. ipython_config.py
  80. # pyenv
  81. .python-version
  82. # pipenv
  83. # According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
  84. # However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
  85. # having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
  86. # install all needed dependencies.
  87. #Pipfile.lock
  88. # poetry
  89. #poetry.lock
  90. # PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow
  91. __pypackages__/
  92. # Celery stuff
  93. celerybeat-schedule
  94. celerybeat.pid
  95. # SageMath parsed files
  96. *.sage.py
  97. # Environments
  98. # .env
  99. .env/
  100. .venv/
  101. env/
  102. venv/
  103. ENV/
  104. env.bak/
  105. venv.bak/
  106. pythonenv*
  107. # Spyder project settings
  108. .spyderproject
  109. .spyproject
  110. # Rope project settings
  111. .ropeproject
  112. # mkdocs documentation
  113. /site
  114. # mypy
  115. .mypy_cache/
  116. .dmypy.json
  117. dmypy.json
  118. # Pyre type checker
  119. .pyre/
  120. # pytype static type analyzer
  121. .pytype/
  122. # operating system-related files
  123. # file properties cache/storage on macOS
  124. *.DS_Store
  125. # thumbnail cache on Windows
  126. Thumbs.db
  127. # profiling data
  128. .prof
  129. # End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/django
  130. # ---> Python
  131. # Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
  132. __pycache__/
  133. *.py[cod]
  134. *$py.class
  135. # C extensions
  136. *.so
  137. # Distribution / packaging
  138. .Python
  139. build/
  140. develop-eggs/
  141. dist/
  143. eggs/
  144. .eggs/
  145. lib/
  146. lib64/
  147. parts/
  148. sdist/
  149. var/
  150. wheels/
  151. pip-wheel-metadata/
  152. share/python-wheels/
  153. *.egg-info/
  154. .installed.cfg
  155. *.egg
  157. # PyInstaller
  158. # Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
  159. # before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
  160. *.manifest
  161. *.spec
  162. # Installer logs
  163. pip-log.txt
  164. pip-delete-this-directory.txt
  165. # Unit test / coverage reports
  166. htmlcov/
  167. .tox/
  168. .nox/
  169. .coverage
  170. .coverage.*
  171. .cache
  172. nosetests.xml
  173. coverage.xml
  174. *.cover
  175. *.py,cover
  176. .hypothesis/
  177. .pytest_cache/
  178. # Translations
  179. *.mo
  180. *.pot
  181. # Django stuff:
  182. *.log
  183. local_settings.py
  184. db.sqlite3
  185. db.sqlite3-journal
  186. # Flask stuff:
  187. instance/
  188. .webassets-cache
  189. # Scrapy stuff:
  190. .scrapy
  191. # Sphinx documentation
  192. docs/_build/
  193. # PyBuilder
  194. target/
  195. # Jupyter Notebook
  196. .ipynb_checkpoints
  197. # IPython
  198. profile_default/
  199. ipython_config.py
  200. # pyenv
  201. .python-version
  202. # pipenv
  203. # According to pypa/pipenv#598, it is recommended to include Pipfile.lock in version control.
  204. # However, in case of collaboration, if having platform-specific dependencies or dependencies
  205. # having no cross-platform support, pipenv may install dependencies that don't work, or not
  206. # install all needed dependencies.
  207. #Pipfile.lock
  208. # PEP 582; used by e.g. github.com/David-OConnor/pyflow
  209. __pypackages__/
  210. # Celery stuff
  211. celerybeat-schedule
  212. celerybeat.pid
  213. # SageMath parsed files
  214. *.sage.py
  215. # Environments
  216. .env
  217. .venv
  218. env/
  219. venv/
  220. ENV/
  221. env.bak/
  222. venv.bak/
  223. # Spyder project settings
  224. .spyderproject
  225. .spyproject
  226. # Rope project settings
  227. .ropeproject
  228. # mkdocs documentation
  229. /site
  230. # mypy
  231. .mypy_cache/
  232. .dmypy.json
  233. dmypy.json
  234. # Pyre type checker
  235. .pyre/